Text Data Management and Analysis – Information Retrieval and Text Mining – Part II

The third and fourth sections of this book cover text data analysis and unified text data management analysis system. Since some topics covered in the latter half of this book are new to me, two attributes of this book were particularly helpful and eased the learning curve: the pictorial illustrations and comprehensive references accompanying the … Continue reading Text Data Management and Analysis – Information Retrieval and Text Mining – Part II

Text Data Management and Analysis – Information Retrieval and Text Mining – Part I

This week, I return to my profession as a computer scientist and read the book titled “Text Data Management and Analysis - A Practical Introduction to Information Retrieval and Text mining” by ChengXiang Zhai and Sean Massung from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In Part I of the two-part blog post about this topic, I … Continue reading Text Data Management and Analysis – Information Retrieval and Text Mining – Part I